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Bed Bug Exterminators – Control & Removal

San Angelo's Bed Bug Control Experts

Serving San Angelo | Big Spring | Brady | Sonora

Bed bugs are the stuff of nightmares. The thought that they creep around at night and feast on your blood is enough to make anyone's skin crawl, but it gets worse. They’re one of the toughest pest infestations to eradicate – without the right equipment and expertise. Bed bugs prefer to hide out in areas where humans like to rest, in cracks or crevices near beds, or inside furniture or outlets. Putting it simply, dealing with bed bugs is distressing enough to make any homeowner lose sleep. If you're faced with bed bugs in your San Angelo home or business, don't wait. Bug Express’s experienced bed bug exterminators know exactly how to get rid of these pests for good. We'll take care of everything so you can rest easy, knowing that your home is bed bug-free.

At Bug Express, our bed bug control experts have what it takes to keep bed bugs out of your home or business all year long.

Bed Bug Control Solutions That Work

Once bed bugs make themselves at home in your home, it can feel like a never-ending battle to get rid of them. That’s because bed bugs are masters of hiding. They can lurk in the most unexpected places, from upholstered furniture to light switches. Often, it takes the eye of a trained professional to find them all. An experienced bed bug exterminator also has the equipment and training to eliminate these elusive pests for good – and prevent them from spreading to other areas of your home or someone else’s property.

Bed Bug Control Services for YOUR HOME

Our Bed Bug Extermination Process

When you hire Bug Express, you’re one step closer to eliminating your bed bug problem. Here’s how residential bed bug extermination works:

  1. Our technicians will conduct a thorough inspection, determine the full extent of the problem, and recommend your best options.
  2. We will implement targeted treatments as needed to eliminate all of the bed bugs in your home.
  3. We offer 100% satisfaction, so we’ll come back until the problem is 100% solved.

Bed Bug Extermination for YOUR BUSINESS

Protect Your Business from Bed Bugs

Bed bugs are a huge problem in homes but they can be even worse in commercial properties – hotels and other hospitality businesses especially. Bug Express offers discreet and highly effective bed bug control services because we understand that having a pest-free* environment is crucial for maintaining the reputation of your business.

Call in the company that’s been providing world-class commercial bed bug extermination services to business owners in San Angelo since 2003.

We’ll take care of everything, leaving you with nothing but peace of mind.

Bug Express Reviews

“Been using these company for several years. They do a great job, come every quarter to spray my place. I don’t see as many scorpions and spiders. Their professional and friendly. Highly recommended.”

-Evangeline R.

Pest Control You Can Trust

At Bug Express, we protect against the disease and damage that can be caused by common pests.

Bed Bug Exterminators – Control – Removal in San Angelo, TX

Serving San Angelo, Big Spring, and surrounding areas.

San Angelo | Big Spring | Brady | Mason | Menard | Llano

Junction | Sonora | Ozona | Big Lake | Ballinger | Mertzon