Field Cockroach


Actual Size: Small up to ½”

Characteristics: Olive-brown coloration, two blackish-brown stripes on the face.

Legs: 6

Antennae: Yes

Wings: Yes, and they can fly.

Habitat: Drawn to damp, grassy areas – especially lawns with irrigation systems.


  • Primarily an outdoor cockroach species.
  • Sometimes mistaken for German cockroaches.
  • Unlike German cockroaches, they can be seen during the day.

Field Cockroaches in San Angelo

The field cockroach, also known as the vaga cockroach, is a small species likely brought into the United States from southwest Asia. It has established a broad habitat from Texas to the West Coast, reaching as far north as California. Field cockroaches closely resemble German cockroaches in appearance but can be identified by the blackish-brown area on their face, stretching from the mouthparts to between the eyes.

Female field cockroaches have a relatively long lifespan of over 200 days, during which they can produce a significant number of offspring. In a single year, they may give rise to 200 to 300 offspring or around 6 generations.

Field Cockroach Habitat

Field cockroaches mainly feed on decomposing vegetation, including fruits like dates, and they are commonly found under stones, clumps of earth, and debris. Unlike German cockroaches, field cockroaches prefer outdoor habitats, particularly in leaf litter and plant debris, and they rarely venture inside buildings. However, during dry periods, field cockroaches may enter structures in search of moisture.

Due to their striking resemblance to German cockroaches, some homeowners might mistake field cockroaches for German roaches invading their homes. In reality, they have field cockroaches that accidentally found their way indoors.

Field Cockroach Behaviors, Threats, or Dangers

Although not as common as other cockroach species, field cockroaches can still raise concerns. They are predominantly outdoor roaches, and when spotted indoors, they are typically treated as occasional invaders that won’t establish permanent residence inside. Field roaches tend to hide in cracks, crevices, and corners of homes. If they find their way into kitchens and pantries, they can potentially spread bacteria.

Since field cockroaches breed quickly, their populations can rapidly increase if not dealt with promptly. Therefore, it’s essential to address any infestations and prevent their numbers from growing unchecked. Always contact your local cockroach exterminators for help if you suspect you have an infestation.